Practices & Tools
This is NOT a ‘toolbox’, but a portfolio of different techniques which have emerged from collaborative practice. Each ‘practice’ is described as it was generated and implemented in a particular context, how it was used, and the sorts of insights it provided)
- Video interviews with interpretive comment
- Questionnaires as prompts for reflexive analysis
- etc
And/or this can be a section which explains how to work with the tools – i.e. drawing from what is here or making new ones, which are relevant for work in particular places BUT seeing this as an active and negotiated task which includes understanding where the tools have come from (their situated origin stories) and re-negotiating their presence and use in other arrangements of people and places The implication is that this is about integration with policy – which includes questions if interpreting, evidencing, structural learning, culture change…
Local researchers
Maybe links to profiles of researchers involved in the particular tools presented?